Special Delivery | Family Portrait Photography

August 27, 2014

Special Delivery: Pretty in Pink

The anticipation of the arrival of a newborn baby can drive any expectant mother a bit crazy. Many of my close girlfriends have spent the last week of their pregnancy gorging on spicy foods, going on long walks, preparing their homes, and/or simply nesting. Now imagine being in the shoes of a five year old boy waiting for the arrival of his new baby sister! Hayden, the doting older brother, couldn't wait for the arrival of his baby sister!  I am not sure he fully understands what having a little sister means, but he's going to find out very soon! 

Paige finally made her appearance in late August. With ten perfect tiny fingers and toes, long eyelashes, pouty lips, and a full head of hair, she is going to be breaking hearts in the near future! I couldn't get enough of this baby girl's sweet face. I had a wonderful time photographing this little sweat pea. Michelle, who is a sewing machine and craft wizard, made adorable head bands for the photo session which added a sweet personal touch to the photographs. Hayden was a good little helper always on hand to help soothe Paige when she cried. We can't forget about the Paige and Hayden's father, Aenoi who helped out with positioning the baby for all the beautiful photographs. 

Welcome to the world, Paige!! You have some awesome parents and a great older brother. And, welcome to our photo session! 

Newborn baby girl born in AugustSpecial DeliveryThe arrival of a newborn Baby brother meets baby sister in newborn photography Central PennsylvaniaBig Brother Meets Baby SisterHello Little Sister Sleeping newborn baby girlNewborn Baby GirlSleeping Beauty Newborn Five Year old brother kisses baby sisterSibling loveBrotherly Kisses New mother holds newborn baby girlMom and DaughterMotherly Love Older brother holds baby sisterBrotherly LoveSweetness is the love shared with siblings A newborn baby girl completes a Central PA family. Family of FourAnd Baby Makes Four A father holds his newborn baby girlFatherly loveA Doting New Father

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