"F" is for Family | Family Portrait Photography

October 27, 2014

Leaping into Autumn

Getting kids to cooperate in family photo sessions is an art. It's a creative formula of a little bit of cajoling, some bribery, and eventually even pleading. For the Autumn themed family session I had this weekend, it was the promise of leaping into a big pile of leaves that brought on the smiles! Who doesn't love jumping into a a pile of leaves??

Set in the backyard of their beautiful home, Jen and Tony provided the most comfortable setting for their family's portrait session. The surrounding woods and creek served as a great backdrop for our photos. Jen and Tony took great care to prep the back patio for their family session by adding colorful mums, pumpkins, and gourds around the hearth and the fireplace. Not only was the hearth well decorated, Tony even had a fire going in the fireplace. The only thing missing was mugs of mulled wine or hot cocoa. I could not have asked for a better backdrop for our afternoon session!  Autumn themed family portrait in leavesJumping into Leaves

Of course the best part of our session was the grand pile of leaves that were awaiting the kids! The smiles I captured as they leapt and landed into the pile were in a category of their own - pure joy. I had so much fun playing in the leaves with this family, their kids, and the family dog. Ot, the furry family member, may be in the winter of his years, but he still gave the most regal pose.  I hope you all get to frolic in the leaves this Autumn season as well! Enjoy the photos from our day below. Many thanks to Jen, Tony and the kiddos for being such great sports!  Autumn Themed Family Portrait in front of the fireplaceA Family that Laughs Together Autumn Themed Children Portraits in front of the FireplaceGrinning Kiddos Siblings Portrait Pose with Furry Family MemberSibling Portrait Sibling Portrait of Kids throwing leavesThrowing Leaves Sibling Portrait Pose in a pile of LeavesFun with Leaves







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