An Apple Orchard Engagement

October 15, 2013

An Apple Orchard Engagement 


Have you ever found yourself taking pictures of a surprise engagement? No? Just something that happens to me :-)? Since surprises are rare in life, imagine my delight to be a part of this special moment in Greta and Matt's lives. One minute we were picking apples and the next minute Matt was on his knee proposing. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!! 

The Happy Couple - Greta and Matt










Greta's birthday is usually an elaborate affair which involves a train ride to an apple orchard an hour north of New York City. Participants are required to follow a certain dress code, which includes wearing items such as stripes, polka dots, plaid, argyle, 3 items of one color, and much more. The guest of honor even makes homemade cupcakes for all the revelers. This year the flavors included FunFetti, Chai Tea, Snickerdoodle, and Nutella. This year it was extra special since Greta was celebrating the big 3-0. Of course Matt made it even more memorable by giving her the best present. 



















How did it all go down? Our adventure to the apple orchard was coming to a close. I had asked the couple if they wanted a picture under an apple tree to commemorate her 30th birthday. They carefully picked out a pretty apple tree and got ready to pose. Just as I thought we were finished, Matt got down on one knee, presenting the ring to Greta and said, "Keep it together....Will you marry me?" Of course she said yes and the celebrations began. Congratulations again to the happy couple! 















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